Tai Ikutaの名義で活動している写真家・フリーランスフォトグラファー。
1996年 京都生まれ。2019年に関西外国語大学英語キャリア学部を卒業。2017年にはニューヨーク州シラキュース大学へ1年間留学し、マーケティング、広告コミュニケーションについて学ぶ。在学中、アメリカ、ヨーローパ、東南アジアなど25カ国以上の国々を旅した際の体験を記録した写真の撮影をきっかけに写真活動をスタート。5年を経て、今では風景からポートレート、ライフスタイル写真まで多岐ジャンルの写真を撮影している。
2020年以降は、フリーランスのフォトグラファー として活動を開始。自身の作品の展覧会や、国内外のクライアントの仕事に携わりながら現在邁進中。
Taichiro Ikuta (Tai Ikuta) is an artist and freelance photographer currently based in Tokyo.
He was born in Kyoto in 1996. Graduated from Kansai Gaidai University in 2019 with bachelor degree in marketing. Studied abroad in Syracuse University in New York for 1 year, enrolled in marketing and advertising. After graduation, He worked at a leading creative agency in Tokyo for 3 years as an account executive.
During his youth, he traveled around the world, visiting more than 25 countries mostly in Europe, and Asia. His curiosity led him those countries where he met many different cultures and people. He started photography in 2016 as he tried to document all experiences in his travels. Since then, he has been taking varieties of photos such as landscape, portrait, lifestyle and more.
His unique style was developed through multicultural experiences and also from huge interests in Visual and Crafts since his mother was a Glass artist and he grew up surrounded by Art.
In recent years, He has been focused on diversifying his photography, exploring new methods and concepts.
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