Not recommended for interior pictures. There is a little lack of professionalism. The photographer didn't come prepared by studying how pictures should be taken, which means that we had pictures with strange view angles.I am also disappointed that he didn't pay attention during the preparation of the rooms and was expecting, me, his customer to prepare the setting,thus he took pictures with unwanted and strange things. Then we received a lot of pictures some including the photographer's foot, some were overexposed, and others were blur. Portraits and food pictures are very good but the rest can be improved.
インテリアの写真にはお勧めしません。 プロ意識が少し欠けています。 写真家は写真の撮り方を勉強して準備をしていなかったので、私たちは奇妙な視野角の写真を持っていたということです。 設定を準備します。 したがって、彼は不要で奇妙なもので写真を撮りました。 それから私たちはたくさんの写真を受け取りました。いくつかは写真家の足を含み、いくつかは露出オーバーで、他はぼやけていました。 肖像画や食べ物の写真は非常に良いですが、残りは改善できます。